產業服務 Service
本中心協助成立「SEMI 台灣高科技廠房設施委員會」,委員會於2013年10月3日 正式成立,包含45位發起人和來自高科技廠房業主、學術機構、研發單位、建築師、工程顧問公司、營造廠、設備材料供應商等64家科技指標發起團體。
為在未來更多元的發展來提昇台灣高科技廠房設施產業之技術,在SEMI Taiwan的祝福裡和本中心的協助下,原先在SEMI台灣高科技廠房設施委員會之核心產學研團體,包含40位發起人和來自高科技廠房業主、學術機構、研發單位、建築師、工程顧問公司、營造廠、設備材料供應商等72家科技指標發起團體,共同到台灣內政部申請成立「台灣高科技廠房設施協會」(Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association)。於2021年12月17日在國立台灣大學竹北分部碧禎館舉辦成立大會,協會未來將協助台灣高科技產業打造更具競爭力的廠房設施,並持續與SEMI合作,互補互成,攜手守護和提升台灣高科技及其廠房設施產業,並共同協力促進高科技廠務上下游產業之鏈結,使台灣高科技廠房設施產業更具國際競爭力,協會迄今一共133間團體會員。
Our center hples semiconductor fab facility industry establishing the " SEMI High-Tech Facility Committee." The committee was officially founded on Oct. 3, 2013. The participants at the committee inauguration celebration added up to 45 wafer foundries, semiconductor manufacturing equipment and material suppliers, construction engineering and academic research units in total, and 64 representatives of different companies.
In order to continuously and diversely advance the high-tech facility technology in the future, with the blessing of SEMI Taiwan and assistance of this center, the core members of the SEMI Taiwan High-Tech Facility Committee jointly applied for the establishment of "Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association" in the Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan. Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association successfully held Inauguration Celebration at Hsinchu Taiwan on December 17, 2021. Up to late May 7, 2024, there are 133 group members.
The details please refer to "Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association"
為在未來更多元的發展來提昇台灣高科技廠房設施產業之技術,在SEMI Taiwan的祝福裡和本中心的協助下,原先在SEMI台灣高科技廠房設施委員會之核心產學研團體,包含40位發起人和來自高科技廠房業主、學術機構、研發單位、建築師、工程顧問公司、營造廠、設備材料供應商等72家科技指標發起團體,共同到台灣內政部申請成立「台灣高科技廠房設施協會」(Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association)。於2021年12月17日在國立台灣大學竹北分部碧禎館舉辦成立大會,協會未來將協助台灣高科技產業打造更具競爭力的廠房設施,並持續與SEMI合作,互補互成,攜手守護和提升台灣高科技及其廠房設施產業,並共同協力促進高科技廠務上下游產業之鏈結,使台灣高科技廠房設施產業更具國際競爭力,協會迄今一共133間團體會員。
Our center hples semiconductor fab facility industry establishing the " SEMI High-Tech Facility Committee." The committee was officially founded on Oct. 3, 2013. The participants at the committee inauguration celebration added up to 45 wafer foundries, semiconductor manufacturing equipment and material suppliers, construction engineering and academic research units in total, and 64 representatives of different companies.
In order to continuously and diversely advance the high-tech facility technology in the future, with the blessing of SEMI Taiwan and assistance of this center, the core members of the SEMI Taiwan High-Tech Facility Committee jointly applied for the establishment of "Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association" in the Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan. Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association successfully held Inauguration Celebration at Hsinchu Taiwan on December 17, 2021. Up to late May 7, 2024, there are 133 group members.
The details please refer to "Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association"
The vision of the Committee is to become a preeminent global group in Taiwan, focusing on crucial technologies for high-tech facilities.
The vision of the Committee is to become a preeminent global group in Taiwan, focusing on crucial technologies for high-tech facilities.
- 整合台灣國內、外高科技的相關資源 To integrate relevant resources of high-tech facilities in Taiwan and abroad.
- 厚植台灣高科技產業之競爭力 To reinforce the foundation of Taiwan's high-tech facility industries.
- 透過相互合作來促進廠房設施關鍵技術之提昇 To advance crucial technologies through R&D collaboration.
- 增益廠房設施標準之擬定 To facilitate standardization.
information, academic papers, seminars, governmental policies and investment opportunities.
development, and the professional training of experts.
- 意見交流之平台:舉辦高科技廠房設施相關研討會、座談會及其他交流活動,提供學者及產業界間之溝通平台。提供 Semi 會員有關全球高科技廠房設施最新研發技術、學術論文、研討會期程、最新法令及投資機會等。
information, academic papers, seminars, governmental policies and investment opportunities.
- 關鍵技術之支援:成立諮詢顧問團及技術服務團隊,協助評估及診斷高科技廠房及實驗室等設施之設計、建造、驗證、完成及轉移使用之關鍵技術,節省支出成本、提高產值。
- 廠房設施人才之培育:開設高科技廠房設施及管理之相關訓練課程,培育台灣優秀實務及研發人才。
development, and the professional training of experts.
- 廠房設施標準之促進:凝聚專業資源,擬定全球廠房設施技術標準。
影響高科技廠房之關鍵技術 The Crucial Technologies
高科技廠房設施之關鍵技術包含電磁波干擾(EMI)消除、提高自動物料搬運系統效率(AMHS)、微振動預防及消除(Micro Vibration)、廠房設施資訊模擬 (Facility Information Modelling(、4D智慧排程及模擬、微顆粒及化學不純物之過濾、廢棄物處理、節能減碳、環境生態保護、智慧廠房等等。 The crucial technologies affecting advanced high-tech facilities are : Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) elimination, improving Automated Material Handling System (AMHS), Micro-Vibration prevention and elimination, Facility Information Modeling (FIM) simulation, 4D smart scheduling and Simulation, filtration of fine particles and chemical impurities, waste treatment, energy saving and carbon reduction, environmental and ecological protection, smart factories, etc. 合作範疇 Category of Cooperation 本委員會旨於推動及強化台灣六大高科技產業之交流合作,包含: The Committee promotes and strengthens this cooperation of the high-tech industries in 6 categories, consisting of :
High-tech facilities required for the manufacturing of high-tech industries are a combination of various advanced technologies and management fields in the life cycle of planning and design, construction and procurement, test run validation, operation and maintenance. Factory owners, academic research units, architects, engineering design consultants, construction plants, testing and verification experts, and materials suppliers, equipment and instrument suppliers are welcome to participate. No matter where they are from, we hope that we can cooperate with each other in Taiwan for continuously upgrading the crucial technology of high-tech facilities.
8. SEMICON Taiwan 2022 High-Tech Facility International Forum:Sep. 15, 2022
2. SEMICON Taiwan 2015 High-Tech Facility International Forum:Sep. 3, 2015
數位轉型驅動高科技廠房永續發展研討會: Nov 29, 2024
高科技廠房淨零減碳研討會 : Dec 2, 2022
高科技廠房精密技術研討會 : March 26, 2021
新世代廠房-智慧廠務技術發表研討會 : Dec. 18, 2020
高科技廠房綠色技術研討會 : July 31, 2020
節能減廢研討會 : Dec. 20, 2019
高科技廠房空汙技術與管理研討會 : July. 5, 2019
「潔淨室與汙染物防治技術&自動化與智能控制技術產品及技術發表研討會:December 23, 2016
永續與綠色製造產品及技術發表研討會: July 29, 2016