計畫名稱 : BOT最優申請人排序模式之研究
依瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)2010 年之評鑑,台灣之整體排名為第 8 名,然公共建 設(infrastructure)僅為第 17 名,容待改善。往昔我國之公共建設,多採政府採購;然近 10 年,則改採 BOT 等促參方式興辦,以提升績效,並引進民間之資金、創意。依據行政院之規 劃,愛台十二項建設,亦將採 BOT 等方式辦理,預計 8 年間,將投資 3.99 兆元,其中民間投 資估計約 1.34 兆元(33.6%)。然不幸的是,部分 BOT 計畫,屢有爭議,績效未如預期。睽諸原因,係未能透過公平、 公開、公正之競標機制,以確實遴選最符公共利益之最優申請人。按儘速遴選最優申請人係 政府辦理 BOT 之首要工作。唯有專業、敬業之最優申請人, BOT 方能順利執行。我國 BOT 甄審實務均採簡單加權法(SAW , Simple Additive Weighting Method),該法計算簡單、容易, 然學理上則有:甄審評估準則未具代表性、無法解決各評估準則間具關聯性、準則之權重未 經客觀計算、…等嚴重缺失,亟待改進。
按甄審 BOT 最優申請人,係屬多準則評估之排序問題,國內外文獻多採 AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process,層級分析)法以建立排序模式。然其學理上亦未能徹底解決各甄審準則與 層級間往往非獨立、且具有回饋關係…,等甄審實務之常見問題。故本研究將結合 Dr. Satty 之 ANP(Analytic Network Process ,網路層級分析)與 Zadeh 教授之 Fuzzy set theory,採用 Fuzzy-ANP 方法建立排序模式,以徹底解決 AHP 法之缺失。
嗣將系統驗證,以確保該模式學理上之正確,並契合我國 BOT 甄審實務之要求。另就甄 審最優申請人之相關制度及實務等各面向,作出結論與建議,藉供政府施政參考。
依瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)2010 年之評鑑,台灣之整體排名為第 8 名,然公共建 設(infrastructure)僅為第 17 名,容待改善。往昔我國之公共建設,多採政府採購;然近 10 年,則改採 BOT 等促參方式興辦,以提升績效,並引進民間之資金、創意。依據行政院之規 劃,愛台十二項建設,亦將採 BOT 等方式辦理,預計 8 年間,將投資 3.99 兆元,其中民間投 資估計約 1.34 兆元(33.6%)。然不幸的是,部分 BOT 計畫,屢有爭議,績效未如預期。睽諸原因,係未能透過公平、 公開、公正之競標機制,以確實遴選最符公共利益之最優申請人。按儘速遴選最優申請人係 政府辦理 BOT 之首要工作。唯有專業、敬業之最優申請人, BOT 方能順利執行。我國 BOT 甄審實務均採簡單加權法(SAW , Simple Additive Weighting Method),該法計算簡單、容易, 然學理上則有:甄審評估準則未具代表性、無法解決各評估準則間具關聯性、準則之權重未 經客觀計算、…等嚴重缺失,亟待改進。
按甄審 BOT 最優申請人,係屬多準則評估之排序問題,國內外文獻多採 AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process,層級分析)法以建立排序模式。然其學理上亦未能徹底解決各甄審準則與 層級間往往非獨立、且具有回饋關係…,等甄審實務之常見問題。故本研究將結合 Dr. Satty 之 ANP(Analytic Network Process ,網路層級分析)與 Zadeh 教授之 Fuzzy set theory,採用 Fuzzy-ANP 方法建立排序模式,以徹底解決 AHP 法之缺失。
嗣將系統驗證,以確保該模式學理上之正確,並契合我國 BOT 甄審實務之要求。另就甄 審最優申請人之相關制度及實務等各面向,作出結論與建議,藉供政府施政參考。
Project : Generic Framework for Prioritizing the BOT BiddersT
As published in IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2010, Taiwan’s “ infrastructure” ranking was raised to 17th among the 58 countries, while the overall ranking was the 8th. One of the reasons is that the insufficient & fair-quality infrastructure. Traditionally, Taiwan’s infrastructure was mainly built via government procurements; however like other major countries, in the latest decade, PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) was decided by the government as the first priority measure to solve the deficit. According to government’s estimation, 3.99 Trillion NT Dollars will be invested for the 12 i-Taiwan Projects within the 8 years (2009-2016) ; and 33.6% (1.34 Trillion) of them will be sourced from the Private Sector. As usual, BOT will be the major pattern adopted in future Taiwan’s PPPs projects.
One of the crucial issues of BOT, is that how to prioritize the qualified bidders via International Competitive Bidding Procedure. Only the best applicant (the preferred bidder) was selected, then BOT Contract could be signed and commenced smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some unsuccessful BOT projects in Taiwan recently, due to the fact that the best applicant was not properly selected via the competitive procedure.
Till now, the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) Method was the solely method used by Taiwan government to prioritize the qualified BOT bidders, and the weightings of each evaluation criterion are not properly calculated. Then many multiple-criteria evaluation methodologies like:TOPSIS, MAUT, ELECTRE, AHP…are used to solve its theoretical drawbacks. According to literature review, AHP was still widely-used in prioritization the BOT bidders, based on its advantage-using the same hierarchy concept as SAW. However, AHP still has some severe theoretical drawbacks that it could not solve the issue that many evaluation criteria are not independent. Fortunately, the ANP (Analytic Network Process) developed by Dr. Satty could solve AHP’s theoretical problems. And the Fuzzy set theory will be applied for doing the pair-wise comparison between the evaluation criteria in this Model .
The main purpose of this research is to set up a Prioritization Model for Taiwan BOT bidders. The Fuzzy-ANP method will be mainly used to develop this Model. Then Model Validation will be carried out to justify it could really meet the government’s regulations ; and could be successfully used in Taiwan BOT projects . Hopefully it could contribute to the economic growth of Taiwan.
As published in IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2010, Taiwan’s “ infrastructure” ranking was raised to 17th among the 58 countries, while the overall ranking was the 8th. One of the reasons is that the insufficient & fair-quality infrastructure. Traditionally, Taiwan’s infrastructure was mainly built via government procurements; however like other major countries, in the latest decade, PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) was decided by the government as the first priority measure to solve the deficit. According to government’s estimation, 3.99 Trillion NT Dollars will be invested for the 12 i-Taiwan Projects within the 8 years (2009-2016) ; and 33.6% (1.34 Trillion) of them will be sourced from the Private Sector. As usual, BOT will be the major pattern adopted in future Taiwan’s PPPs projects.
One of the crucial issues of BOT, is that how to prioritize the qualified bidders via International Competitive Bidding Procedure. Only the best applicant (the preferred bidder) was selected, then BOT Contract could be signed and commenced smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some unsuccessful BOT projects in Taiwan recently, due to the fact that the best applicant was not properly selected via the competitive procedure.
Till now, the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) Method was the solely method used by Taiwan government to prioritize the qualified BOT bidders, and the weightings of each evaluation criterion are not properly calculated. Then many multiple-criteria evaluation methodologies like:TOPSIS, MAUT, ELECTRE, AHP…are used to solve its theoretical drawbacks. According to literature review, AHP was still widely-used in prioritization the BOT bidders, based on its advantage-using the same hierarchy concept as SAW. However, AHP still has some severe theoretical drawbacks that it could not solve the issue that many evaluation criteria are not independent. Fortunately, the ANP (Analytic Network Process) developed by Dr. Satty could solve AHP’s theoretical problems. And the Fuzzy set theory will be applied for doing the pair-wise comparison between the evaluation criteria in this Model .
The main purpose of this research is to set up a Prioritization Model for Taiwan BOT bidders. The Fuzzy-ANP method will be mainly used to develop this Model. Then Model Validation will be carried out to justify it could really meet the government’s regulations ; and could be successfully used in Taiwan BOT projects . Hopefully it could contribute to the economic growth of Taiwan.
因為在高科技的研究、發展與製造過程中,震動可能源於地震、氣流、噪音、交通、關門、電磁波干擾(EMI)、射頻(RF)或其他光量子波動效應。在製造設備更為複雜且更要求微型化更精密時,震動影響之重要性在奈米科技之發展時程上已逐漸超越過去對製造設備精密度的要求(Bayat and Gordon 1998)。
就微電子技術工業而言,微處理器和半導體科技的生產過程,很多工具對振動是非常敏感的。同時,因為噪音和地板振動格外影響進行中的實驗和奈米製造過程,故聲波成為日益關心的議題。例如,利用電子束或電子探查發展物體表面精確影像過程,需要穩定的環境以利電子束或探針以及被掃描物體的定位。否則,被掃描的圖像可能模糊不清同時出現在不同的位置並且可能被錯誤判讀。振動和過度的溫度變化二者皆能干擾這些過程的穩定。(Amick et al.2002.)
因為在高科技的研究、發展與製造過程中,震動可能源於地震、氣流、噪音、交通、關門、電磁波干擾(EMI)、射頻(RF)或其他光量子波動效應。在製造設備更為複雜且更要求微型化更精密時,震動影響之重要性在奈米科技之發展時程上已逐漸超越過去對製造設備精密度的要求(Bayat and Gordon 1998)。
就微電子技術工業而言,微處理器和半導體科技的生產過程,很多工具對振動是非常敏感的。同時,因為噪音和地板振動格外影響進行中的實驗和奈米製造過程,故聲波成為日益關心的議題。例如,利用電子束或電子探查發展物體表面精確影像過程,需要穩定的環境以利電子束或探針以及被掃描物體的定位。否則,被掃描的圖像可能模糊不清同時出現在不同的位置並且可能被錯誤判讀。振動和過度的溫度變化二者皆能干擾這些過程的穩定。(Amick et al.2002.)
- 調查與分析廠房設施振動傳遞狀況
- 選擇隔振參數與合適的隔振系統
- 如有不足,加上單軸減振器降低單一機器主要振動頻率之振幅,其次組合單軸減振系統或採用多軸減振系統,降低 多設施組合振動或單設施多模態振動,最後考慮浮動減振 平台。