計畫名稱 : 綠廠房資訊模擬與智慧監測應用技術開發
台灣目前是全球最大之晶圓產能供應國,占全球晶圓產能的21%,同時台灣也是擁有最多具競爭優勢的12吋晶圓廠。而半導體晶圓之研發製造必須在高品質的廠房裡,於嚴格環境控制的潔淨室(Cleanroom)中進行,同時,為促使產品儘早進入市場,更必須儘早完成廠房之建置。根據2011國際半導體技術路徑(International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor, ITRS) 之報告指出,國際半導體及相關產業之製程技術,將從2014年開始進入18吋晶圓之量產,並預計於2017年開始進入閘寬(Gate Length)14奈米之製程。而廠房從施工興建至開始裝設生產設備,也估計於九個月內完成,因此提升台灣半導體廠房之規劃、設計、建造、環境監控的品質及效率為目前相當重要之課題。
台灣目前是全球最大之晶圓產能供應國,占全球晶圓產能的21%,同時台灣也是擁有最多具競爭優勢的12吋晶圓廠。而半導體晶圓之研發製造必須在高品質的廠房裡,於嚴格環境控制的潔淨室(Cleanroom)中進行,同時,為促使產品儘早進入市場,更必須儘早完成廠房之建置。根據2011國際半導體技術路徑(International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor, ITRS) 之報告指出,國際半導體及相關產業之製程技術,將從2014年開始進入18吋晶圓之量產,並預計於2017年開始進入閘寬(Gate Length)14奈米之製程。而廠房從施工興建至開始裝設生產設備,也估計於九個月內完成,因此提升台灣半導體廠房之規劃、設計、建造、環境監控的品質及效率為目前相當重要之課題。
Project : Automated Digital Color Image Processing for Coating Quality
Previously developed image recognition methods by the Principal Investigator (PI) and his former Ph.D. students for rust defect assessment can be summarized as two: the NFRA (Neuro-Fuzzy Recognition Approach) method and the SKMA (Simplified K-Means algorithm) method. The NFRA method uses artificial intelligence techniques to separate rust pixels from background pixels. The SKMA method segments object pixels and background pixels in a digitized image using a statistical method, called the K-means algorithm. Even if both methods pass through different processing procedures, one common thing is that they first convert original color images to grayscale images and further process the grayscale images. They do not process color image directly.
The system are often encountered difficulties while acquiring digital images under environmental conditions such as non-uniform illuminations, low-contrast digital images, and noises on painting surfaces. The purpose of this proposal is to explore the use of color space theories for processing digital color image and developing an automated system on controlling coating quality.
The rust defect assessment system will be realized by passing through seven steps: 1) steel bridge coating image, 2) optimal color space, 3) coordinate system adjustment, 4) histogram generation, 5) separation of target areas, 6) image reconstruction, and 7) assessment of defects.
Previously developed image recognition methods by the Principal Investigator (PI) and his former Ph.D. students for rust defect assessment can be summarized as two: the NFRA (Neuro-Fuzzy Recognition Approach) method and the SKMA (Simplified K-Means algorithm) method. The NFRA method uses artificial intelligence techniques to separate rust pixels from background pixels. The SKMA method segments object pixels and background pixels in a digitized image using a statistical method, called the K-means algorithm. Even if both methods pass through different processing procedures, one common thing is that they first convert original color images to grayscale images and further process the grayscale images. They do not process color image directly.
The system are often encountered difficulties while acquiring digital images under environmental conditions such as non-uniform illuminations, low-contrast digital images, and noises on painting surfaces. The purpose of this proposal is to explore the use of color space theories for processing digital color image and developing an automated system on controlling coating quality.
The rust defect assessment system will be realized by passing through seven steps: 1) steel bridge coating image, 2) optimal color space, 3) coordinate system adjustment, 4) histogram generation, 5) separation of target areas, 6) image reconstruction, and 7) assessment of defects.