Professor Luh-Maan Chang got his BS degree from Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University in 1971. In 1974-77, Professor Chang worked as a project engineer for Industry Technology Research Institute (ITRI) at Hsing-Chu, the silicon valley of Taiwan where he helped design and build the 1st Integrated Circuit Demonstration Plant of Taiwan.
After getting his MS and PhD degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, he taught in the School of Building Construction, University of Florida from 1983 to 1985.From 1986 to 2009, Professor Chang taught in the School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University. After he took early retirement from Purdue, he continued teaching in the Civil Engineering Department of National Taiwan University till 2016.
Presently, he is a full-time researcher in Climate Change and Sustainability Research Center and an adjunct professor of National Taiwan University. His current research interests are in Contamination Control for below 5nm Semiconductor Manufacturing, Crucial Fab Facility Technologies for 450mm (18") Wafer Fab, and 4D Construction Project Scheduling through Fab/Facility Information Modeling (FIM.)
張陸滿教授在1971年畢業於成大土木系,從1974年到1977年間,張教授在台灣矽谷—新竹—負責工業技術研究院頭重埔中興院區之規劃監造及協助該院電子工業研究所設計建造了台灣第一座積體電路示範廠房(Integrated Circuit Demonstration Plant) 。而後,他即赴美國德州大學奧斯汀分校深造並取得營建工程及計畫管理碩博士學位。
於1983至1985年間,張博士在美國佛羅里達大學(University of Florida at Gainesville)的建築學院營建系任教。從1986年起,張教授轉到普渡大學(Purdue University at West Lafayette) 之土木工程系營建工程管理組任教。在2006年的秋季班開始,張教授返回台灣在台灣大學土木工程學系繼續從事教學研究,並於2016年8月從台大榮譽退休。目前張教授仍在台大永續發展研究中心主持專案研究計晝,並擔任台大土木系高科技廠房設施研究中心主任暨兼任教授。
張教授目前的研究興趣是在低於5奈米製程及450mm(18吋) 晶圓廠,在廠房設施所需之關鍵技術、運用3D廠房資訊模擬來管控時程(4D)及管理廠房興建專案(ND Project Management)。
Professor Luh-Maan Chang got his BS degree from Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University in 1971. In 1974-77, Professor Chang worked as a project engineer for Industry Technology Research Institute (ITRI) at Hsing-Chu, the silicon valley of Taiwan where he helped design and build the 1st Integrated Circuit Demonstration Plant of Taiwan.
After getting his MS and PhD degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, he taught in the School of Building Construction, University of Florida from 1983 to 1985.From 1986 to 2009, Professor Chang taught in the School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University. After he took early retirement from Purdue, he continued teaching in the Civil Engineering Department of National Taiwan University till 2016.
Presently, he is a full-time researcher in Climate Change and Sustainability Research Center and an adjunct professor of National Taiwan University. His current research interests are in Contamination Control for below 5nm Semiconductor Manufacturing, Crucial Fab Facility Technologies for 450mm (18") Wafer Fab, and 4D Construction Project Scheduling through Fab/Facility Information Modeling (FIM.)
張陸滿教授在1971年畢業於成大土木系,從1974年到1977年間,張教授在台灣矽谷—新竹—負責工業技術研究院頭重埔中興院區之規劃監造及協助該院電子工業研究所設計建造了台灣第一座積體電路示範廠房(Integrated Circuit Demonstration Plant) 。而後,他即赴美國德州大學奧斯汀分校深造並取得營建工程及計畫管理碩博士學位。
於1983至1985年間,張博士在美國佛羅里達大學(University of Florida at Gainesville)的建築學院營建系任教。從1986年起,張教授轉到普渡大學(Purdue University at West Lafayette) 之土木工程系營建工程管理組任教。在2006年的秋季班開始,張教授返回台灣在台灣大學土木工程學系繼續從事教學研究,並於2016年8月從台大榮譽退休。目前張教授仍在台大永續發展研究中心主持專案研究計晝,並擔任台大土木系高科技廠房設施研究中心主任暨兼任教授。
張教授目前的研究興趣是在低於5奈米製程及450mm(18吋) 晶圓廠,在廠房設施所需之關鍵技術、運用3D廠房資訊模擬來管控時程(4D)及管理廠房興建專案(ND Project Management)。